Straight Party Voting Out for 2020

During the 2017 legislative session, House Bill 25 removed the straight-ticket option from Texas ballots after September 2020. The bill was signed by Abbott.

Texas Democrats challenged the law and in June 2020 a federal court dismissed the suit allowing the change to move forward for the November 2020 general election.

How will this impact your voting experience this year?

Unlike previous elections, where the option to vote based on the party choice, each voter will now be required to cast their ballot for each office. There are two main impacts this change will entail. First, it will increase the length of time it takes to vote; and second, voters now have to walk into a polling place with a better idea of who to vote for in EACH race.

Texas law allows you to take a voting guide into the polling place, however it must be printed. It cannot be on your phone (they are not permitted in polling places). Preparing to vote for the general election in 2020 will require some preparation. Be informed and remember your voting guide.

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