So, what is the plan?

As we move into the second half of the year, we continue to develop a more comprehensive plan for the Frisco PAC. The following areas of focus are a work in progress, and these will evolve (or not) as feedback and data are received. Some of these items will develop into projects under the PAC, while others may remain just an idea.

As always, feedback is encouraged and welcomed.

Project Under Vote

The purpose of this project is simple, work to increase the number of under votes (i.e. no votes) in the Frisco Mayor’s race in 2020.

In development; Project goal: November 2020

City Charter Improvements

Ahead of the next City Charter Review, work to develop strong proposals that will increase citizen representation, improve ethical standards, etc.

Early stage development. Seeking participants. Project goal: 2021

Candidate Education and Training

Develop a curriculum that can be utilized either online or in-person by any citizen seeking elected office in the City of Frisco or Frisco ISD. Training will include ethical campaign initiatives, fundraising, communication and targeted data utilization.

Early stage development. Project goal: January 2021

Watchdog Project

Develop a monitoring system for all elected officials in the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD to review financial statements, voting records and corporate connections and make this data accessible to citizens.

Early stage development. Project goal launch: Mid-Late 2021

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