City Secretary warns ISD Candidates on Sign Ordinance Requirements

In an email to the Frisco ISD today, the Frisco City Secretary has issued a warning relating to ongoing issues with sign ordinance violations from ISD candidates.

In her email, Ms. Morrow writes “[t]here were some issues with the FISD candidates this weekend and I want to make sure they are all educated on the regulations specifically on City-owned properties. We prefer to educate in lieu of citation, but if the candidates continue to create issues and take up too much city staff time we may have to change our course of action.”

As the number of signs surrounding our city decline after the city runoff election, there continue to be a number of signs from ISD candidates who lack an understanding of the sign requirements in the City of Frisco. While the city has had their ability to regulate political signs overridden by the State of the years, the City Secretary should be applauded for her efforts to manage the ordinance’s requirements.

A copy of the ordinance is available for download.

TEC Opinion Sought on City Authority to Enforce Election Code

Earlier today, the Frisco PAC sent a formal request for an opinion to the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) seeking clarification on the responsibilities of enforcement of provisions of the Texas Election Code by the City Secretary, City Manager, and/or the City Council.

This opinion stems from an inquiry made to the City Secretary in regards to her authority to enforce provisions of the Election Code’s requirements for campaign finance reporting. The view expressed by the City Secretary suggested that in her capacity as the city’s election official, that she was not authorized to enforce these provisions. This position was supported by the city attorney, as advised through a response by Mayor Jeff Cheney.

The Frisco PAC is seeking clarification based on the state law and the City’s Ordinances to determine if there is a misunderstanding on this matter.

PAC Submits TEC Complaints

Earlier today, the Frisco PAC finalized their submission of four (4) complaints to the Texas Ethics Commission for possible campaign violations of the Texas Election Code. Three (3) of these complaints named candidates for their failure to comply with the reporting requirements of the Code. The fourth submission relates to the propaganda mailer that was distributed to citizens the week before the election.

Details of the three complaints against candidates are not being made public until confirmation by the Texas Ethics Commission that they have been received and are within the jurisdiction of the Commission.